
Switch scenes: use keys 1-9 for levels 1-9, and 0 for level 10

Lindsay Mode: On = L, Off = O, Space Bar = explode

Random Wind Mode: On = W, Off = E

Q = quit to main menu

R = restart level

Shooting: Use the mouse to aim the cannon, hold down left mouse button to specify the amound of force to apply, release left mouse button to shoot.

Sources: (To be completed)

Player Cannon Art by Robert Brooks from

Enemy Tank Art by Robert Brooks from

Homing Missile Art by Robert Brooks

Cartoon Speech Bubbles Art by Robert Brooks from

Animated Health Bar and Cannon Charge Art by Luca Pixel from

Black Hole Animated Art by Robert Brooks from

White Arrow Art by Unknown Artist from

Cannon Shot Sound Effects: Cannon Blast 1, Cannon Blast 2, and Cannon Blast 5. From

Enemy Death Sound Effect: Explosion Propane. From

Cannon Ball On Ground Sound Effect: Cannon Blast Distant 1. From


  • 10 fun levels with interesting mechanics
    • 1 - normal mode
    • 2 - black hole affects projectile path
    • 3 - Homing missile moves in straight line toward enemy after 1 second
    • 4 - The enemy has a shiel that must be destroyed by hitting it 3 times
    • 5 - The red barriers don't explode the missile, it just bounces off them
    • 6 - When a bomb hits a surface more bombs explode out
    • 7 - A laser web is created between projectiles
    • 8 - Destroy all the minions before blasting the enemy
    • 9 - The enemy bounces around the map - if it touches you, it will destroy you: kill or be killed. 
    • 10 - There are 7 enemies and only 6 projectiles! Strategically choose projectiles for maximum success!
  • Lindsay Mode - if turned on, the projectile will explode in the air when space bar is pressed, blasting out more bombs in random directions
  • Random Wind - each time you take a shot, the wind will change a little and blow the projectile off course

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